Leveraging business opportunities through risk management solutions

Annetta Cortez

Managing Director

About ACT Consulting

Our specific focus is providing capital based enterprise strategies to financial services institutions globally.  We provide value-added services which leverage analytical insights derived from risk and capital-based performance measurement competencies to generate business value.  

In addition, we also provide support to standard risk management implementations across all forms of risk.  Recent consulting includes extensive work in Basel II and Prudential Regulation related implementation, governance, and education as well as follow on organizational strategy and performance measurement improvements.


Email:  info@actriskmanagement.com





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Order Our New Book!

The Complete Idiot’s Guide® to Risk Management will take you through the risk management process and show you how to apply it to your specific business. In this Complete Idiot’s Guide®, you get:

The four-step management process of identifying, measuring and assessing, managing, and monitoring risks.

A thorough explanation of why risk management methods are difficult to implement.

Expert advice on how to lessen the impact of risk events should they happen.

Profitable risk taking tactics.

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